An MT103 is a standardised Swift payment message. It is accepted as proof of payment and includes all payment details such as date, amount, currency, sender and recipient.
This short document describes how MT103 information for a payment can be retrieved from our payment platform. MT103 information is available only for payments that are sent through the Swift network, i.e. priority payments. This information can be accessed both from Currencycloud Direct and from our API.
MT103 on Currencycloud Direct
After finding a payment on the Currencycloud Direct UI, the details of the payment can be presented by clicking on the payment entry shown on the screen. If there is MT103 information available for the selected payment, this will be shown on the bottom of the payment details, as per the screenshot below.
MT103 via API
In order to retrieve MT103 information through the API, use call
get /v2/payments/{id}/submission_information
where {id}
is the payment ID.
An example of an API request is shown below:
"status": "pending",
"mt103": "{1:F01TCCLGB20AXXX0090000004}
0\r\n:33B:GBP2000,0\r\n:50K:/150618-00026\r\nPCOMAPNY\r\naddress\r\nNew-York Province
\r\n555222 GB\r\n:53B:/20060513071472\r\n:57C://SC200605\r\n:59:/200605000\r\n
First Name Last Name\r\nb67cca855a6409c72398\r\nLondon\r\nGB\r\n:70:test reference\r\n
Test reason\r\nPayment group: 20160624-ZPSQYH\r\n:71A:SHA\r\n-}\r\n",
"submission_ref": "ZMSQXNUIDVEJWIOQ"
If MT103 information for the payment exists, this will be returned as an API response. An example of such a response is shown below.
"status": null,
"mt103": null,
"submission_ref": null
If you have any questions, please contact us at or speak to your Relationship Manager.