There is an extended list of restricted countries for local USD transactions. This means there are restrictions on ACH payments, ACH collections and Fedwire collections. The following services are not available:
- Issuing local USD virtual accounts to any account domiciled in one of the restricted countries. Any existing local USD virtual accounts for any account domiciled in one of the restricted countries have been disabled and any existing payments will fail.
- Receiving USD funds from a restricted country via ACH or Fedwire to you or your customer’s local virtual accounts.
- Sending USD funds via ACH if you or your customer are based in a restricted country.
- Sending USD funds via ACH to US accounts for beneficiaries that are based in a restricted country.
Please be advised that for all clients, with the exception of North American Outsourced Know Your Customer (NA OKYC) clients, we will continue to offer Swift collections and Swift payments in USD via your existing Swift product. However, NA OKYC clients will no longer be able to receive USD Swift payments from restricted countries.
Which countries are restricted?
In addition to our existing restricted countries , the countries listed in the table below are restricted as described above.
Afghanistan | Ethiopia | Nigeria |
Albania | Eritrea | Pakistan |
Angola | Georgia | Panama |
Antigua And Barbuda | Ghana | Paraguay |
Bahamas (The) | Guatemala | Serbia |
Bangladesh | Guinea-Bissau | Somalia |
Belize<></> | Honduras | South Africa |
Benin | Iraq | Sri Lanka |
Bolivia | Jamaica | Tajikistan |
Bosnia And Herzegovina | Jordan | Trinidad And Tobago |
Burma/Myanmar | Kuwait | Tunisia |
Burundi | Kyrgyzstan | Turkey |
Cambodia | Lebanon | Turkmenistan |
Cameroon | Liberia | Uganda |
Cayman Islands (The) | Malawi | Ukraine |
Colombia | Mauritius | United Arab Emirates |
Cyprus | Mexico | Uzbekistan |
Ecuador | Morocco | Yemen |
Egypt | Mozambique | Zimbabwe |
El Salvador | Niger (The) |