Funds can be received into your account almost instantly by using the Faster Payment Service (FPS). You’ll find a list of frequently asked questions below.
How do I fund my GBP wallet?
Your GBP wallet can be funded via FPS using your dedicated account number.
How fast will the funds be in my account?
Your funds get assigned almost instantly to your account as our reconciliation processes are automated.
Do I need to provide a reference?
No, you don’t need to provide a reference, or ask your customers to provide a reference, as the account number is unique to you, saving you time and effort.
Is it possible to fund my other currency wallets via Faster Payments?
No, it is only possible to fund your GBP wallets via Faster Payments. If you want to use BACS, CHAPS or Swift to fund your wallets, you need to use the established funding route.
What is the maximum value I can send?
The maximum value you can send per payment is £100,000
Can I also send margin via faster payments?
Yes, you are able to send us margin.
Where can I find my dedicated account number?
You can retrieve your funding details via our API or by choosing ‘Add GBP’ in the GBP Balance page in Currencycloud Direct.