If you’re using Currencycloud’s sub-account functionality, then you’ll notice we’ve started to make some improvements to how you view these balances via Currencycloud Direct or your White Label platform.
What’s changed?
You can view each of your sub-account balances in one place within the ‘Balances’ section of the platform.
How can I find sub-account balances?
Navigate to the Balances section in the platform. Once there, click on the ‘Sub-Accounts’ tab. Here, you’ll see a view of the total sub-account balances across all currencies in use on your platform, ordered by highest amount. If you have many sub-accounts, you will be able to click through several pages of balances. You can also select to see specific currencies if you’d like to refine your view, or download results as a CSV file.
How can I tell which sub-account belongs to which client?
- When you’re viewing your sub-account balances, each balance will be identified using your client’s Account ID.
- To see the name of your client, simply click on the arrow in the Account ID and the name will be shown, along with the Account Short Reference. You can also select the account if you’d like to act on behalf of it - just click ‘View Account’ and select the contact you’d like to act on behalf of.
Check out the screenshot below to see where you’ll find this:
Can I search for one of my sub-accounts by Account Name?
Not yet, but account name and account short reference are columns we’re looking to add to the feature in future. We’ll let you know as soon as this is available.
What is the Account ID?
Account ID is the long (32-digit) ID associated with a Currencycloud account.
Sometimes sub-account balances can take a little longer to load on my screen. Why is this?
If you have a large number of sub-accounts, it may take a little longer to load all of the balance information.
Are the balances shown up to date?
Yes, the sub-account balances you can see on your screen are up to date as of the time they are loaded.
Do I need to do anything?
No! You can see the feature within the ‘Balances’ section when you log in.