If you believe you have been the victim of fraud, it is important that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself and others as soon as possible. We recommend the following:
- For claims related to Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud through the UK's Faster Payments Service (FPS), please contact us immediately via email at APPFraudReporting@currencycloud.com.
- For all other fraud, notify us immediately by emailing fraudreporting@currencycloud.com with the details of any transactions you believe to be fraudulent, including account numbers, dates and values. If possible, please include a description of how the fraud was perpetrated.
- If your account is held with another financial institution, notify them immediately using the appropriate fraud reporting mechanisms.
- Fraud is a criminal offence and should be reported to your local police force. In the UK this can be done through Action Fraud. We may request a copy of the police report to support our investigation.
- Cease all communication with the suspected fraudsters immediately. Offers to return your funds are often a continuation of the original scam.
Currencycloud is fully committed to tackling fraud. All notifications of fraud are investigated and dealt with in accordance with our policies and procedures and every effort is made to protect our customers and community from fraud.
Current Alerts:
We are aware of a scam where potential victims are contacted by an individual using the name Nik Borowitz, purporting to work for Currencycloud and requesting payment. Nik Borowitz has no affiliation to Currencycloud and any communication should be reported and not responded to.
If you are in doubt about the legitimacy of any communications from Currencycloud or our employees, please always check by emailing support@currencycloud.com.